Hi everyone.

Firstly let me sincerely thank you for your company on our trek, as others have so eloquently expressed, whilst the locations, scenery and situations we experienced were mind blowing, the company we shared for three weeks made the trip truly special, thank you.
As a professional photographer for many years, I rarely share my photos ‘in bulk’ but I’m genuinely happy to share this gallery with the group as thank you and in recognition that I will be sharing many of the images with KE Adventure too. Keep an eye out for more video content to follow, it takes some time to edit though!

I do need to just formalise this a little however - please forgive me if this seems overkill, hopefully you’ll appreciate that, as a professional photographer in a fast changing world, I’ve learned to protect the value of my work, often in challenging situations.

I happily share these images, in high resolution and for download for your own personal use.
In legal speak, I retain full copyright of all media and therefore ownership at all times. You’re more than welcome to download them, print them, add them to your albums, hang them on your walls and enjoy them as records of our trip.
If you wish to share them on social media etc then please feel free but you must acknowledge they are “photos by Adam Winfield”, please tag me in on posts; insta @adam_winfield_media, Facebook @AdamWinfieldMedia
You cannot share these photos by sending or distributing the high resolution images (files) for any purpose other than for personal use as above, or use them for any commercial purpose or activity whatsoever.

Any questions on use please just ask, I’m honestly not trying to restrict the use we discussed and chatted about whilst in Nepal and I apologise if the above sounds at all restrictive or overly formal, I don’t mean it to.

I hope that’s all OK and you enjoy the photos and videos.
Please stay in touch and maybe we’ll be sharing photos of icebergs and penguins on that antarctic trip in a couple of years time 😉 (no leeches or ticks on that one!!).

Best wishes for now,

Adam & Karen a.winf@hotmail.co.uk